Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Homemade Toy: Montessori Style

Here is our new practical life activity for November:

We painted these wooden beads this morning with cranberry-colored tempera paint. Both kids helped and they dried really fast.
I put them on a tray in a small bowl, set an empty bowl next to it, and demonstrated how to use our toast tweezers to pinch and transfer the "cranberries" into the second bowl.
Both kids LOVE this new toy! It's pretty challenging for our 2-year-old, but she really stuck with it, putting all 40 cranberries into the other bowl one by one.
When she was done, she reset the station by carefully dumping the cranberries into the first bowl...this was self-motivated. I didn't ask her to do this, but when she finished, she announced, "Your turn!" to her big brother. So sweet!
Check out Works-for-Me Wednesday for more great toy ideas!


  1. This is a great idea and very cute too.

  2. I love this idea! Can't wait to try it!

  3. I used to work in a Montessori school, and when my kids came along I was on a constant quest for trays, small bowls, etc to set up a work shelf. Your idea is great!

  4. cool! We have "beginner chopsticks" we could do this with.


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